Know already You're Going To Be Excited to Replace Your Outdated Solar Attic Fan with 25-year Warranty!
Anytime you pull out your outdated Solar Attic Fan with 25-year Warranty! and prepare to make use of it, don't you take more time attempting not only to get it to work, but trying to get it to perform activities it was certainly not actually meant to perform? If this sounds like the truth then you're gonna appreciate the most up-to-date item from Manufacturer. Not just do we guarantee that it is going to work exactly the way you anticipate it to, our completely new model is built to go above your wildest expectations.
What we discovered at Manufacturer is that while there seem to be a number of these products offered, a lot of them fail to live up their promises. Nobody wants to throw away cash on a Solar Attic Fan with 25-year Warranty! which isn't going to at the very least perform the way that they are publicized to do. With this as our sole driving consideration we determined to build a product which would not simply work the way you wish it to but would have all of the additional features you desired.
The outcome is our completely new Solar Attic Fan with 25-year Warranty!, once you try out one for yourself, you will realize why we are so pleased with our awesome product. Even though there are numerous of these products in existence, we are certain that once you try out our most recent product, you will be absolutely delighted and asking yourself how you ever managed to get by using the one you've got at this moment.
Click here to read Solar Attic Fan with 25-year Warranty! full review & best price
Customer Rating : View Customer RatingsList Price : $449.00
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Availibility : Usually ships in 1-2 business days
Solar Attic Fans are easily installed and a great product for proper attic ventilation. Natural Light brand solar attic fans are top rated by builders and are the highest quality built in the USA! The DC motor is powered by the included solar panel with the attic fan motor moving hot air and moisture out of the attic space everyday. Solar panel is adjustable from flat up to 45 degree angle or can be detached and mounted remotely for best sun exposure. Solar Attic Fans mount on 3/12 to 12/12 pitch roofs. (this unit not for flat roofs or side wall mounting). Moves up to 850 cubic feet per minute. Use one attic ventilation fan for every 1200 square feet of attic space. Note: Purchase the optional Solar Attic Fan Thermostat if to be used in areas with cold winter temperatures. See our Amazon Storefront for this optional part.
- No wiring necessary
- 25-year warranty on solar panel
- 25-year warranty on attic fan housing
- 25-year warranty on solar attic fan motor
- Adjustable 10-watt Solar panel - Assembled and Ready to install