Are certain You Shall Be Anxious About Our Most up-to-date Broan 350BK 1050 CFM Roof Mount Powered Attic Ventilator, Black PVC Dome
Although there are many items similar to our most recent Broan 350BK 1050 CFM Roof Mount Powered Attic Ventilator, Black PVC Dome currently available on the market, we recognized that not one of them have ever had the options that we have constructed into ours. The concept guiding our most up-to-date product is that rather than supplying you with one more standard version which does not do quite what it's promoted as carrying out, we wanted to supply you with a product which went far past this.
The thought guiding every new product isn't to only produce a different edition of the same ones that are currently around, no one wants this and also you'll find a lot of corporations already doing this. At manufacturer we set out to actually reinvent the Broan 350BK 1050 CFM Roof Mount Powered Attic Ventilator, Black PVC Dome. Our engineers returned to the drawing board and began from the start. We looked over what our initial product had then attempted to produce it better.
By paying attention to what our shoppers wanted to say as to what they enjoyed as well as didn't enjoy about the other Broan 350BK 1050 CFM Roof Mount Powered Attic Ventilator, Black PVC Dome available on the market, we worked hard to include all of the functions you have been asking for in the most current product. With all of these additional features and some extra nice minimal touches that we added in we Are certain that you are destined to be totally delighted with this our most current offering. To be able to make the bargain better still we're giving it to you at a super low initial cost which gives you genuine bang for your buck.
Customer Rating : View Customer RatingsList Price : $99.00
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Availibility : Usually ships in 24 hours
Broan 350B Roof Mounted Powered Attic Ventilator Attic Size: up to 1500 sq. ft. Amps: 3.6 CFM: 1050 Height: 8" Dome Diameter: 23-1/4" Dome Material: PVC
- 3.6 Amps 1050 CFM for up to 1500 square feet of attic space
- Precision balanced 14-Inch metal blade for maximum air flow and minimum sound level with PVC plastic dome provides ultraviolet protection and superior durability
- 23 gage metal flashing - allows for nailing and hot tar application and mesh bird screen
- Built-in adjustable thermostat - for automatic operation at your chosen temperature level and thermally protected and permanently lubricated motor
- Mounts easily between rafters - installation template included
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